Colour Analysis
Confidence With Colour
Let colour inspire and excite you! Be Playful! ...................but get it RIGHT !!

Colour is the foundation stone for any wardrobe.
The colour of your outfit, not the cost, is the most crucial part of looking and feeling your best.
Colour can lift you up or drag you down. Many women play safe or are confused by colour, but never feel truly excited by it.
Colour analysis is a very special experience that opens up an amazing range of beautiful shades that will your reliable friends for life.
How exciting is that?
Understanding how to choose colours that will enhance you and avoid those which will never work will be an invaluable aid when you are shopping and dressing. Wearing your colours with total confidence is a feel good for any occasion.
Option 1
During this very comprehensive, personalised, and individual 3 hour session, Sue will match colours for depth, tone and clarity with your complexion, eyes and hair to create an individual palette of colours for the most positive impact in business and casual wear.
Your colour palette lasts a lifetime. Every one of your 42 colours will be draped and coded as a guide for future shopping and dressing. Sue will also discuss the psychology of wearing colours and suggest combinations to suit your personality.
Bring your make up bag along and Sue will check the shades are flattering for you, offer tips on application and make suggestions for alternative looks.
Cost £180 for a 3 hour consultation with wallet of 42 samples.
to pay on-line.
** Very thorough, very interesting and a real eye-opener, so I will highly recommend you to all my friends in black! Rosanne
Option 2
A 2 hour personalised and individual colour analysis covering all the basic essentials, but obviously with less time for the details and demonstration of how to wear the colours.
This session includes the full wallet of 42 colours which will be coded for you, but does not include make up tips.
Cost £150
to pay on-line.
Is there a lady in your life, or a friend who would just love to find out the secrets of her most flattering colours as a gift? Then send her a gift voucher.
for Option 1
for Option 2
Colour With Friends
Enjoy a fascinating and fun experience learning about your special colours with 1 or 2 friends.
A light lunch is included with whole day sessions.
** “We have had so much pleasure from every aspect of our colour consultation. We had a lovely day with you and really valued the time and attention that you lavished on us. We speak often about this and about the difference that knowing ‘our’ colours has made to shopping for ourselves or indeed for each other. We feel freed to shop in quite a different way, taking more of a long term view of things, secure in the knowledge that we are choosing the right colours. I can honestly say that, in some small way, it has been a life changing experience.
So, thank you so much Sue. One way or the other we will never forget you!!!!!!”
Ingrid and Sherri (mother and daughter)