
Over the last 30 years Sue has advised several
thousand clients and received wonderful messages of
appreciation for the positive impact that her consultations have made,
not only to image but to attitude and lifestyle.

"What a fantastic morning
Sue, thank you ever so much for all your help!
I now feel really confident and inspired about what
colours to wear - I cannot wait to go shopping! I
feel like you have offered my wardrobe a much needed
breath of fresh air.
Your attention to detail and colour knowledge really
impressed me and so huge, huge thanks. I will keep
you posted on how I get on.
Many thanks "
Firstly a very big thank you for a wonderful morning
on Friday.� I thoroughly enjoyed myself and
thank you so much for your time and patience, and
for giving me the confidence to clear several
items from my wardrobe without even
I'm really looking forward to getting new clothes in
my new colours, some of which I have never
worn before.
Thank you once again for the fabulous
"Hi Sue,
I just wanted to say many thanks for such a hugely
enjoyable and informative morning, it
was great!
It was so helpful to have the benefit of your
experience and insight in a real shopping
situation, I learnt loads that will stay with me
I can't wait to find some time to be really ruthless
with my wardrobe now!
Thanks again."
"Thank you for
such an interesting, thought-provoking, informative and fantastic day on
Monday. It was all so very exciting and I can't begin to tell you how
much I enjoyed myself.
With all my new-found information buzzing round in my head, it was
interesting coming home and looking through my wardrobe. What surprised
me most was how easy it was to instantly look at a few things that I
hadn't been sure about in the past, only to find my mind was instantly
made up as soon as I saw them again.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting, as I will be starting my weeding
process and I know already it won't be anywhere near as hard as it would
have been a week ago." Rita
"My sister and I had a wonderful day with you.
We left with our heads buzzing with instructions, tips and ideas - far
more than I think we ever expected. But in between all the solid advice
you also gave us many moments of laughter and fun. Thank you for making
it such a rewarding and pleasurable experience. You made two ladies of a
certain age feel much more confident in
ourselves." Karen
"Thank you for your amazing guidance and
knowledge. I was quite nervous about my Colour Consultation in November
but you have such a lovely, warm way of explaining the information that
I felt really safe and positively excited about the Style! Since then
shopping is so much easier. I may be in touch for yet more expert help
with my wardrobe.
Bless you for putting so many of us on the right road! It�s such a
relief to have the right information about what looks good."
"Just a note to thank you for a
fascinating day, full of surprises, advice and thought provoking
information; exactly what the ideal day should be but so rarely is!
Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves."
Jennifer and Jane
"I enjoyed it a lot and feel very
excited. It really is like magic." Jess
"You are my new best friend!"
"This thank you is long overdue. Just to
say how much I appreciate having done your courses. The knowledge I now
have about myself has been a great boost to my confidence. I only
wish I had the opportunity years ago. The time I have saved in not
worrying what to wear with what and when is incredible."
"It has made such a difference to how I
feel about clothes, shopping and myself. I had a fantastic day and
am constantly telling my friends about your excellent skills.
Everyone is amazed at the change in me!"
"I have gained so much. Not least, you
have got me back in touch with aspects of myself I had
forgotten" Jackie
"The positive impact you've had on my life
is greater than I would have imagined possible. I am more
adventurous with colour and style and get so many complements
now" Helen
"I had a really lovely day
and learned a lot of useful information. I was
impressed by the detail you went into and the way you seemed to know
straightaway what I need to focus on. It's
great to have new ideas and colours to work with. Many
thanks" Sue
“Thank you
for a really wonderful day. You put so much care into it and we left
feeling very excited and inspired”
“Your advice, guidance and support has
been invaluable in helping me to shop wisely and with
confidence.” Jan
“I enjoyed the shopping experience
hugely” Victoria
“I found the whole consultation
rewarding and enlightening and I left feeling relaxed yet
excited” Jane
“Thank you for your kindness and
encouragement” Alice
“I can’t stop talking about my
afternoon with you” Andrea
“At any age it is lovely to have a
boost, and you certainly gave me that”
“I can’t begin to tell you how
excited I feel” Sarah
"It was a lot of fun and your expertise is
impressive" Carene
"A most enriching afternoon"
"Very thorough, very interesting and a real
eye-opener, so I will highly recommend you to all my friends in
black!" Rosanne
"You certainly inspired me to get a real grip
on my wardrobe" Jennie
"Your presentation was perfectly pitched to
your audience, and from my seat you had 40 women eating out of your
hand. It is such a fascinating subject" Lucy
"Your talk was a huge success and everyone was
talking about it" Elizabeth
"We all benefited tremendously from your
expertise and I have already received many
complements" Sue
"The time and attention to detail you put into
a consultation is wonderful" Suzie
"My sessions were a time of great revelation.
You were kind and boosted my confidence considerably"
"Mum and I had the most fantastic day and were
amazed at the detail you went into"
"You make changing such a positive and upbeat
pleasure" Annette
"Many thanks for more stimulating and
liberating information. I look at clothes differently
already" Faye